A museum piece...1970's Pawn Zuni Turquoise Needlepoint/Pettipoint Squash Blossom Necklace,with 12 squash blossoms on the necklace,with ring,bracelet,earrings (screwback) to match. Zuni artist's are Harlen & Naneen Hattie. In terms of artistic ability and design and precision this is one of the more detailed Zuni artists that we have ever carried in the Gallery. Unfortunately, in 1970, Naneen was killed in an automobile accident. In 2005 Harlen died. Last week,in with Octavius & Irma Seowtewa, Ryland Gasper, Harlen & Naneen's son, walked into the Mudhead Gallery and unbeknownst to any of us... he saw for the first time... his parents works "in person". Before this, he had only seen their works in a book. He asked if he could try on the necklace. He wept, just to see their works as it made him so happy to see their works in person...as now... this was all he had left of their memory....I have to say...there was not a dry eye in the Gallery...this was the last known piece that he knew of them creating. I asked him if he'd like his picture taken with their necklace and he said he would like that. Photo taken May 2010 Ryland Gasper. He asked me to email the photo of him wearing the necklace and asked that we keep him apprised of who the new owner would be so he could honor their memory by keeping track of this beautiful set that his parents had made. This had been a very heart felt day...one that would be long remembered at the Mudhead Gallery...Sold as set only...
"Buy It Now"...
"Make it yours"...
"Enjoy it...your entire lifetime"...
"Start making...your own memories!"...
Thanks for looking!